
Thanks, EA!

I decided to make a website for College Football 25. I wanted to do this in Blazor web assembly because I haven't made one yet. So, I first created a project with MudBlazor installed, and then I decided to grab all my assets.

First things first, we need logos. I looked around online to see if anyone had the graphics in a folder I could download. After 2 mins, I gave up and decided it was easier to scrap the ea's media API. Thanks, EA! After writing a Python script to use the requests lib and scrape the API URL path for team logos, helmets, and conferences. I got those in a folder and I was ready to go. Looking back, it was probably a lot easier to save some space and query the API when I needed to load the images. But anyway, I kept going. PythonScriptRunning

I started to make this website in Blazor because I did a lot of Blazor development at my current job, and I thought this would be a good exercise. I started to build the dam app but didn't know I didn't select standalone web assembly because I would just going to host it on my Hostinger website plan. I need to get a VPS... So, I deleted the old project and made a new one. I added some basic challenges and responses for selecting your Team, Confidence to move them to, and the challenges to complete in X number of years. SiteV1

I ended up with a pretty cool start. I will add some more features, look into what challenges YouTubers do, and then add them to the site. I made a Reddit post and pretty quickly got some viewers, so that was really cool.:D. Hostinger

Github CFB Site!

The moral of the story is to build a host and repeat. Nothing else to do in our field besides that. Even if it's as stupid and simple as this site.

Build. Host. Repeat.